Saturday, July 21, 2012

July's Independence

July has started off pretty hot.

So I kick back and let the stress of the summer heat melt away.

I celebrated Indepence Day at our parade.

My granddaddy was in the parade.

I met up with my friend, Harris.

I'm so glad to be an American! Thank you to everyone (especially my uncle Scott) who has made it possible for us to live with our freedoms and liberties.

I spent the afternoon with Grandmomma and Granddaddy.

This is what my parents saw on the monitor one day while I was supposed to be taking a nap.  I had pulled the camera off the wall and was playing with it. I guess it's true that Big Brother is always watching.

I love eating!

Should I wake my mommy?

You're such a good Mommy. I love patting you.

We celebrated a special couple's 50th wedding anniversary.

This cheese isn't very Gouda.

Whapow! The cheeks are still kickin'!

I'm trying to figure out how God created light.

Wow! That was easy! I just push a button and the lamps turn on!

Mom, can I order up some applesauce?

Great Uncle Wayne and Great Aunt Pat sent me my first birthday card.

Who's turning one?

The baby inside the card is me!  I'm turning one!

Oh, I love this card.

We were invited to have dinner at my grandparents' house on the eve of my birthday.  I tried playing with Molson but he didn't seem to care too much for me.

I'm trying to talk to you. Can you hear me?

I'll leave you with my most recent steps to independence.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

June 18-30

Hi!  During the week of the 18th, my mom had a string camp.  She was gone for hours each day.  As you can see, it was a different week for me.

Mom, are you up here? Do you have my outfit?

I did stay clean.

I was fed.

More yogurt, please.

I took naps.

I wonder what Mom is doing right now?

Umm....what kind of camp is this?

Ms. Kathy (my mom's good friend and camp leader) gave me a stuffed dragon for being such a good trooper all week. I like giving it kisses.

I finally got to see my mom at her concert. I was so ready for her to be home during the days again.

Since I got my mom back, I've been hanging out at the pool again.

Catching some rays.

I'm being incognito while I watch a lady swim laps.

I went to the grocery store.  The meat slicer was interesting.

This is what I suggest we have for supper.

Auntie Kimberly sent me a present.  Let's see what's in here.

Ah ha! It's a bag of bows!  I like this one.

It's time to meet the spoon.

Shall we dance?

Is this correct?

I think I'm getting the hang of it.


This is supposed to be a blockade to keep me from the stairs. But I'm an overcomer.


My curls are maturing just like I am.

Here's a cheek shot.

My parents tried to block me from getting close to the tv.  I overcame that obstacle too.

I'm taking inventory before our next trip to the grocery.

Daddy was showing me his shadow.

I figured out that it was the sun coming from this direction that was making the shadow.

Grammy makes me laugh when she comes over to play.

Can I at least swim without that thing snapping shots of me?

I like how my toes look like raisins.

Playing with my motorboats.

Oh.  It's so early!
Can I have some food for energy?

I'm feeling a little more chipper.

Now I'm totally ready for the day!

I ended the month by visiting dear friends.  Ms. Valerie, Dr. James and their six(!!!) children were wonderful hosts. I had a fabulous time!

Ms. Ariel and Ms. Mariah played hand jive games with me.

Mr. Phillip played peek-a-boo.

I met up with my friend Esther again.

Here we are at a restaurant after church. I wanted to show off how limber I am.

Lydia, can I see your hairbow?

Ahhh!!! My foot is caught!
Thanks to Elise, we got a decent picture.
I look forward to seeing you again soon!