Happy New Year!!! 2013 is starting off strong.
I'm saying lots of words and making animal sounds such as moo, meow, baa, and I roar like a tiger.
Here is a video of me saying "Hello." My British accent is coming through.
You might be thinking, "She's a tiger", but the truth is, I'm practicing my vowel sounds.
I love sitting in my booster while reading.
I'm getting very brave with steps.
I even step off my booster by myself! Watch this!
I used my Jack in the box as a seat while cooking.
I found this toy that fits perfectly in my mouth.
I made up a new line dance, the paci step over.
Jack gets lots of calls.
I want your phone, Mom.
Hee! Hee! I like my phone!
Why isn't it working?
"Aunt" Sarah visited. She was so nice to read to me.
I can climb up in chairs by myself.
This is not dangerous at all.
Da da's shirt.
Playing with the camera on the phone again.
At lunch belting out my new laugh.
I've got places to be.
See ya, Da da.
I love helping mix food.
I've got my lion under this hat.
I think this is the best place for him.
With Audrey after church.
Shopping with Grandmomma.
I fell asleep.
Can I take your order?
What am I going to wear today?
Lydia and I love playing together.
Do you have the combination?
I had a play date at the park.
Swinging is still my favorite.
I love pouring water while in the tub.
I visited with a missionary friend.
I found the camera on the phone again.
I took at least seven like this.
And about 15 like this.
I'm ready to pack it up for this time.
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