Monday, December 7, 2015

September 16-30, 2015

We stayed busy once all of us, except Daddy, recovered from a stomach virus.

I drew some of my family and friends.

I loved rocking in this rocking chair.

We hid from Granddaddy!


A little basketball.

And bike riding.

Sweet friends.

If big sister can do it, so can I.

I can even eat them.

Baseball practice.

Percussion practice.

Still zipping around on the trike.

Woodwind practice.

Engineer practice.

Climbing practice.

Coloring my stamps.  They're about the size of Mommy's thumb.

Off to school and it's cold.

Off to the water fountains when it got hot again.

Can you tell that I really enjoyed these squirting toys?

Worn out from all of the fun.

Off to church.  I like making silly faces.

Purple and gold day at school. I took my gold star from the Daniel Tiger tree house to show my friends.

I'm wearing my gold shirt.

Here's our baby at 14 weeks.  At this point we didn't know if it was a boy or girl, but Mommy had to have an ultrasound to get the heart rate because it would not stay still for the doctor to use the doppler. (And, yet again, the pic flipped when uploaded).

"Jake" at the Children's Museum.

Catch me if you can.

"Cubby" at the Children's Museum.

Fall festival with a favorite friend.

Milking a cow.

This is how you own some corn kernels.

Did you get that?

And how you own the duck races!

Sister tackled all of the ducks.

We picked pumpkins.

Pretty proud of my pickin'.

Old corn press.



Wild west shoot out.

Tater diggin'.

Found a friend on our way out.

Working on spoon techniques.

Daddy bought a new car.  We took a quick test drive around the neighborhood.  We approved.

Our little Star Wars warrior.

Off to school.

With piggy tails.

I don't have piggy tails.

I made shopping lists for my family.  Some members need diapers, others need panties, etc.

Had a super day at school and got to choose a prize from the treasure chest!

Went back to doctor for a cough.  It was a bacterial infection.

This is the first doctor we saw.

She was very thorough with the information she wanted to know.

Here are some cheerios to clean up.

We will see you next time!

1 comment :

  1. Miller getting so big. Heard about the third child on the way. Love you all
