Monday, April 11, 2011


We hope this finds you well.  We want to get and hopefully keep you up-to-date with what is going on with our first little one.

We learned in October that I was pregnant.  We told our families the week of Thanksgiving.  They were very excited for us.
The first visit to the doctor was in December at 10 weeks. Our due date is around the  first of July.  We have been told June 30, July 1 and July 3.  All we know is that it's up to our baby and not the doctors.

I have already been very blessed by friends who are letting me borrow their maternity clothes and my mom who took me shopping to buy me other needed additions to my wardrobe. That trip was a lot of fun because my mom and I drove to Nashville, TN to meet my sister to shop.  We then stayed for a day in Clarksville with my sister for some girl time.

In January we had a great snow so we built a snowman.

All of our visits to the doctor have gone well.  Everything is coming along perfectly.  I love having ultrasounds because I get to see the baby and it is always active. I have never seen so much wiggling.

Here is a picture from 14 weeks 3 days.

We were so excited to find out what we were having in February at 18 weeks.  We both thought we were having a boy.  The ultrasound revealed that we are having a.................

Here are her feet.
Here she is looking cozy.

This is our first 4D picture of her.

We visited Katie's sister, Kensley and her husband Scott while he was home for furlow.  This was Scott's first time to see Katie and the baby belly.

She and I conducted the Youth Orchestra concert in February.

Will and I celebrated our fifth wedding anniversary on March 18. I can definitely feel her at this point.  Her kicks and punches are a sweet reminder of the life that is being created.

Here I am at five almost six months.  24 weeks and 6 days.

It is now spring and it is so lovely here. 

This was taken at 27 weeks.