Saturday, January 28, 2012

January 2012

January was a great month! Let me share it with you.

I went to lunch with my mom and her friend, Ms. Darleen.

She makes me smile.

I chill while I drink my bottle.

This is the sweet life.

My mom had the hiccups one night.  They startled me at first.

Then I thought they were really funny.

Dad, did you hear that?

Do you see what I'm doing? I'm standing!

The world looks so different from this point of view.

We went on another road trip. We left early one morning.

I should be sleeping right now.

Can we get rolling so I can fall back asleep, please?

We visited my great aunt and great uncle and their dog, DeDe again.  They gave me that colorful ball on the couch.  It's a great toy.

I like this big flower, too.


Hi, Dede!

Wait! Come back!

Where did she go?

I've been practicing singing.


I'm perfecting the art of singing with fingers in my mouth.

One of my resolutions for this year is to be in shape so I can crawl and walk. 

I am choreographing a jump-n-jive routine.

I plan on getting a trademark soon.

I will lift cheese and sausage to keep my upper body in shape.
Urrrgg.  This is pretty tough. Definitely a new way of exercising.

Bring on the snow!

Really.  I can handle it.

I love my outfit from Grandmomma.

Gotta give a shout out to all my peeps in LA! I look pretty sporty in my outfit from Uncle D and Auntie B.

Even though I'm working out, my diaper size keeps increasing.

So do my cheeks.

 My mom's friend, Ms. Alicia, made this personalized applique banner for me.  Can you tell how special she made me feel?

I surprised my parents one evening when I spontaneously broke out into a game of Peek-a-Boo.

 I attended my first wedding.  It was a really nice ceremony. I wore the outfit that the Bride gave me.

That's all for now.  Stay tuned for more of my adventures.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Rest of December

December 16-31 started off with a bang! I met some popular and important people.

Look at who my aunt is tight with. I know you wish you could have been me so you didn't have to stand in line for hours to meet him.

She's got connections.

He has weird things growing on his head too.

Can I touch him? Is he real?

Hmm. Seems faux to me. Probably better you don't upset Rudolph.

I might never wash my hand again.

After I spent time with the bearded man, I met more greatness. Great Uncle Wayne and Great Aunt Pat and their dog, DeDe.

These two greats gave me a silver spoon as a birth gift. They know how I roll.

Here I am with the aunt who has all the cool accessories.

If I play real cute can I have this?


She's a tough cookie to crack. Maybe she will hold me all day so I can play with it.

Here is a video of me laughing at Uncle Scooter and Molson.

I met my cousin, Johnny. It was really nice of him to come by and see me. He tells great stories!

I met my mom's friends and their little boy, Carson.

Is someone trying to send us a subliminal message here?

I think that previous picture made Carson act squirrely so we quit with the pictures.

We went shopping for shoes. I share my thoughts about the shoes in this video.

I'm learning to pose for the camera.

My uncle, Dr. Z, said I was the world's cutest table cloth in my rain jacket.

I celebrated a friend's first birthday. I like partying.

Can I see if my cheeks look chubby in that one?

Do you girls want to have your picture taken with me?

That's the birthday girl on the right and our friend in the middle. She's squeezing my cheek to make sure it's real.

Since you squeezed my cheek, I want to take your toy.

Nope. I'm gonna keep it for a while. You snooze, you lose. The birthday girl seems to be more mature. Guess that's what one year under your belt will do for you.

As you can see, I'm reaching for and grabbing things; including the camera.
2012 should be exciting!