Thursday, September 20, 2012

August 16-31

 Hi!  August just continued to stay busy. 

I helped with the dishes.
I learned how to screw and unscrew a lid.
Then I decided to stuff some socks inside.
I snuggled up on Granddaddy.
I ate crackers very daintily.
My parents were entertained by my hair when I woke up from one of my longer, deeper naps.
I don't look like Einstein!
I watched a tractor bale hay in my grandparents' field.
I received another birthday present!  This one is from Lili and Nima!
You colored the card so pretty!
What's in the Snoopy envelope?
Oooh! Such cute outfits!
I love them! Thank you!
Can I wear them now?
I helped pack (in one of my new outfits from Nima & Lili).
I had to rest on my favorite pillows after helping pack all of that stuff.
Then Grammy came over to rescue me from the packing.
Yea! Grammy!
This is what I look like when I wake up in the mornings. I'm always so happy to start my day.
I help make my breakfast.
Later, I helped organize my diapers.
I organized some cords.
 I had to help Mom get this one straight, too.
I made some notes.
I said "Goodbye" to friends at church.
I swam with Grandmomma.
This is my "All gone" pose.
I'm learning to rock in my rocking chair.
Yep, things are rolling along just fine for me.
On the weekend that we moved, I stayed with Granddaddy & Grandmomma.  These are a couple of the pictures that Grandmomma sent Mommy.


Bye! Next time you see me I'll be in a new town! 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

August 1-15

Welcome back!
Here I am with Grandmomma.  We were at the polls recruiting votes for my Granddaddy.
Remind me that I don't want to run for office.
Grandmomma had some ladies over for lunch.  I was invited and Ms. Martha brought me a birthday present from her and Mr. Joe.
I love this teddy bear!  I will name it Mr. Joe.
Your card is very sweet also.
I showed Granddaddy and Grandmomma around my new house.  Construction should wrap up around the end of August just in time for us to move.
I took care of necessary paperwork at the local utilities.
I played with my cousins at the pool.
Here, I'll show you how it works.
Then we took pictures together. Go ahead and finish breakfast. I'm ready to pose.
Mmmm.  What's for lunch?
I'm learning how to help with the laundry.
Mom and I bought some shoes.  Which pair works best with my outfit?
Whoa!  What's up with these things?
I have a lot of fun making faces while I eat.
Furrow the brow.
Let them think I'm serious.
Then, surprise!
Nope.  Serious again.
Just kidding.
See how much fun it is?
I like to help cook.
I'm ready for church.
I really wanted to go to the pool so I helped Mom clean the floor so we could get there faster.
All done.  Let's go!
Celebrating Daddy's birthday at the pool.  He taught me how to lie back and relax.
Then we jumped! 
And I kicked!
I'm learning how to feed myself. I sometimes put it in faster than I can chew and swallow.
Playing during bathtime is the best!
Here's another pair of shoes.  These have diamonds.
I had my first overnight stay at Grandmomma and Granddaddy's. I had a blast!
I love walking around.
 Are you getting my new shoes?
I'll see you next time!