Saturday, December 20, 2014

December 1-15, 2014

Merry Christmas!

We have definitely been in the spirit around here.  Learning more about Jesus' birth, listening to & singing  Christmas music, wrapping presents, and decorating. 

I took these pictures of the tree.

I took this picture.

After I woke from my Sunday nap.

This foam roller is a major part of my daily activities.  I use it to rescue Jonah from the whale, row a boat, knock down walls (imaginary), it's a door, a gate, and a tower.

Putting more decorations on the tree before pajama day at school.

I sported my pj's at the store after school.  I wanted to wear pj's everywhere for a few days after this.  I have also said three more memory verses for school!  Mommy didn't even know I knew one of them!

You like my curl? If I keep trying, I think I'll be able to see it.


I finally took a nap at school.  My teachers think it's because one of my favorite friends was not there that day :-)

Big girl at Cracker Barrel.

Big boy at Cracker Barrel.

Polka dot princess going to the toy store to play with the train set.

The princess found the king's chair and became the king.  At first, a not so nice king, but then became sweet.

Big helper with our Christmas cards this year.

I wrote my own cards for my friends.

Mom let me choose the stamps, and stick them on the envelopes along with the labels.  Personal info has been marked out, but you can see what a great job I did with these.

Daddy and I put the star on top of the tree!

This coat used to be my mom's cousin, Susan's, coat.

Catchin' some zzz's.

You brought me out here to watch what?

 The parade. Miller is the second from the right with the purple ears on her toboggan.

Back at Cracker Barrel with our grandparents.

I had a play morning at Lydia's house!

Doing some work for my daddy.

I make an upset, fussy sound that accompanies this face in the top right picture.  It is usually just to see if Mom is paying attention, and is always preceded and followed by the other pictures in this collage.  Mom usually just laughs at me, even though it is serious stuff to me.

This is my "skelescope" (telescope), Garrett's teether as my bracelet, and my coffee (cup of water).  

Smile for the camera, Garrett.

Big helper with the presents.

My hair in the mornings.

My bff, Lydia, had her third birthday party!

It was a tea party!  My first ever.  I was so excited I couldn't nap beforehand.

It's time for tea!

Singing "I'm a Little Teapot."

She really likes the present I gave her.

My sister used to put her feet in the same spot.

Wearing one of my mom's robes after my bath.

Muscles galore.

Hutchie came for a visit.  Garrett is chewing on Albert, Daddy's teething toy from his infancy.

I went to the doctor to find out about my cough and congestion.  They said it's just from allergies.

This is me 90% of the time.

My rendition of "Jingle Bells."

See you soon!