Friday, March 29, 2013

March 1-15

March has been a whole lot of fun! 
I gave Octo some water to drink.
Then I carried him around on his napping pad.
I'm ready to watch my video.  I climb up on the couch myself and ask to be covered with a blanket.
When they won't let me watch a video I will climb up here and read the pamphlet on the inside of the DVD case.
Grandmomma and Granddaddy came for a visit.  I showed them how I jump and run around in my bed.
I love trying on my shoes.
 I'll model a pair for you.
It snowed so my parents brought some in for me to play with.  I call it "No."
What do you want me to do with this stuff?
 I picked up chunks and tossed them in the sink.
More, please.
 Daddy and I played chase.  This is one of my bases.
 The vacuum was after me!
 I was feeding Mr. Joe and reading him a story.
 I made a new friend at Grammy's.  It's an "Ooh ooh ahh ahh" that my daddy played with.
 I had a good time sitting around talking.
 This is the first time that I smiled when asked to for a picture.  I'm bringing the ooh ooh ahh ahh home with me.
 I sit and visit with my stuffed friends in my crib.
 I found a tractor!
 Look, Lydia!
 I took care of my babydoll.  I carry them like this when they need a diaper change or a nap.
 I'm practicing my smile-on-demand again and I put my shoes on Honkers.
 Cleaning is an important part of my day.
 I move things out of the way so I can vacuum thoroughly.
 In the swing again!
 I played with my friends.  Throwing the grass made us laugh!
 Audrey was great at pushing me!
 We looked through the slats and said "Bubbles!"
I went again the next day and there was Lydia!
 Woody is wearing a diapoo.
 I am very careful about this bracelet on my wrist. Can you say "Girly"?
 Grammy gave me these bunny ears and I hop like a bunny while I wear them. That means I squat and stand and sometimes jump a little bit.
 I yell "Hop!" while I hop.
I love bubbles.  My "s" is an "sh" sound. So I really say "bubble -sh."
 I played with a friend.  She and I were listening quietly to the sounds of the woods.
 I read to my animals.
 It's your turn!
 I twisted my hair in to a dreadlock one night.  Mommy and Daddy had to cut it out.  It's my first "unofficial" haircut.
 I had lunch on our deck.  I balanced my shoe on the armrest.
 Then I sat on one of my little people (on purpose).
 That's so funny!
 I like the girl in this reflection.
 I had some entertainment at mealtime.
 Where am I?
 I love helping with the laundry until I find something I want to play with such as these pajamas.  Then I run away with them. 
 I wanted to wear one glove and hold this check in my hand. I have my reasons, though no one else understands.
 I went back to the doctor for a follow-up on my ears.  I stayed like this the whole time.  I only cried a little when he checked my ears because it hurt.  I am totally clear!
 I didn't want to say goodbye to Grandmomma.
 I helped Mommy with some paperwork. She would ask me to get the paper and bring it to her.
 I did just as she asked and then I would look at her and say, "More?" and I would giggle while going to get more.
 I saw six deer in our yard one evening!
 I'm only missing my eye teeth.
 I want to see the pictures you took of me, please.
 I like for things to be in their correct place.  I put my drink on a coaster.
 Dangerous . . .but I didn't drop any on the couch.
 I'm playing with Easter eggs.  I love dumping them out and opening them up.
 I did my best to put them back.  Needless to say, Mommy took the grass away.
 The moosh.  Good thing Daddy has long arms.
 I had to put a diapoo on him.