Monday, February 15, 2016

November 16-30, 2015

Hi, again!

We went shopping for new tennis shoes.  I had to run up and down the aisles to decide which pair would make me run the fastest.

Playing in my sister's room with her toys and accessories.


With my friends at church.

Walking into the "jam" (gym) for our Thanksgiving lunch at school.

I was rolled in.

Praying before our meal.

I love my friends.

Then we went shopping for more shoes.  We're riding a train that goes around the mall.

I got hot (as usual).

We waved at everyone as we rode past.

And we located my favorite store!

 I (Miller) put Woofie on Mom's side of the bed for her and Pony on Daddy's side so they can sleep with them like I do.

I love my "yacky" (sacky).

I (G) can reach up to the counter tops and pull things off.

My Rainforest Cafe t-shirt.

Wearing my "yacky." I will wear it all day if they let me.

With my friend at church and her baby doll.

Getting ready to have Thanksgiving dinner with Daddy's side of the family.

Fell asleep on the way there (with my hand in the snacks).

Our great aunt gave us presents!

Discussing life with Uncle Burch.

Played outside, trains in hand.

Throwing rocks in the water was so fun!

All of us together.

The cousins

We were almost identical in our outfits.  

Then we had a sleepover!

Fell asleep on the way home.

Mommy is not a quick learner.  We were getting ready for my 18 month appointment and time was running out, but she left it where I could get it off the island. . .

 In the waiting room at the doctor's office.

We ran into our friends!

Big sister is helping me by talking me through what was going to take place and reassuring me I would be just fine. I was 34" tall and 24 lbs. 

I pretended to be the doctor. 

Then we played at the museum.

We had a Thanksgiving dinner at church.

My turkey from school.

At the museum again.

I love getting packages in the mail!

Our little Mickey Mouse.

Mommy's shoes.

Daddy's shoes.

A trip to the pet store.

Holding up my pants.

Another turkey from school.

Sister's "gub" (gloves) and "at" (hat).

I pushed the chair from the table to here so I can play with the magnets.

I play with Daddy's "t tabet" (tablet).

On our way to Chuck E. Cheese's.

This was Daddy's first time here.  He had so much fun with us!

Some fun shopping.

My new superhero pj's.  Complete with superhero pose.

This is how I let you know I'm ready for another bite and you're not fast enough.

I'll try it myself.

Then we had Thanksgiving dinner and celebrated Granddaddy's birthday with Mommy's side of the family.

This is what we did to keep ourselves occupied while waiting for them to come.  We drove up and down the driveway with Daddy.

After they left we all took naps and snuggled when we woke up.

Wearing Daddy's socks.

I helped decorate the Christmas tree.

I made sure the decorations weren't going anywhere.

Putting the star on top.

I really enjoyed looking at the ornaments.

Another thankful decoration.

And a cute one.

We hope to see you soon!

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